Unfortunately many of those who paid originally for just the one or two years have overlooked the need to pay each year. We have to incur the cost of postage, printing, phone calls and 'time', to recover the outstanding years' payments. This is the reason behind the changes referred to under A.O.B. in the AGM minutes from April 2002.
For those wishing to continue to pay a single year every year then the subscription has now increased to £6 per annum.
However, you need not pay this increase
Simply by completing a Standing Order form for just £5 each year or by paying a minimum of 5 years in advance (£25) then your subs will remain the same: i.e. £5 per year
We hope you will understand just how much time and effort let alone cost to the SCA, that paying by STO or in advance will save us. We also hope that you believe your magazine is worth that small amount. With your help it will continue to improve year by year, and will cost you nothing extra!
So without the aid of mirrors we have achieved an increase, saved ourselves time and money and you do not have to pay any extra